Windows 8 Analysis

Windows 8 is the latest and “greatest” from Microsoft to hit the market. How does it hold up to its predecessor and what’s new will all be covered here in this short analysis by Syndeo, a premier San Diego IT Consulting Company.


By design Windows 8 was created to be faster and more secure as is expected with each Windows version. With outstanding bootup times and somewhat faster load speeds for applications, it definitely gives Windows 7 a run for its money in terms of speed.


The new user interface is pretty and exciting; however, it seems that’s all it has going for it. The design is beautiful but it’s far from being user friendly. The design was clearly made for mobile, touchscreen devices and is too new and unknown for desktop users. Navigation is nigh impossible for new users and takes a lot of practice to remember where to place your cursor for different popup menus. Windows 8 didn’t retain the old look and feel of the control panel and other computer options. Instead, it’s another new and frustrating ride for advanced and power users alike.


In terms of security we have a new feature that, while combined with a third-party anti-virus software, can greatly increase your protection against harmful malware. That feature is known as Secure Boot. Secure Boot only allows “signed” software to launch during boot to keep out sophisticated viruses that plague the deep underbelly of our systems. This has proven to be a great leap in operating system security for Microsoft. To read more about our San Diego IT support services, click here.


To recap our analysis, in terms of speed and security it seems Windows 8 has our ticket and proves Windows is continuing to give us better performance while securing our devices.  However, whether or not you upgrade will depend on your unique set of circumstances. Please feel free to consult with us on this matter as we are your trusted computer consulting San Diego experts.