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Implementing a “Bring Your Own Device” Policy

Can your employees bring their own laptops, tablets, and cell phones to work and join the corporate network? If you answered yes, implementing a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy just became an essential security move. If employees are bringing their own devices, it means they have the potential to fill portables that can easily be lost or stolen with terabytes of corporate data. Creating and implementing BYOD policies is new territory for most. If you’re wondering how to get started, follow these basic rules from Syndeo Communications, a leader in IT support in San Diego.


The first step to implementing a BYOD policy is finding the right software to manage devices. All policies will grow from how finely you can to control data on portables. Using something simple like Activesync may not satisfy anyone, as data can’t be managed at a per-item level and the only option when an employee leaves is to remote wipe their device. Instead, companies should go with purpose-build Mobile Device Management solutions like Good Technology or Airwatch, which allow “sandboxing” of corporate apps. Here, company applications run in a separate space where they can be secured and even deleted without affecting personal data.

Get Employees On Board

Enacting a policy that dictates how an employee uses his or her own device is a tough sell. You can go the “my way or the highway” route and lay down the law, telling employees if they don’t like it, they can’t have access—although that never goes over well. Instead, try a slow implementation with plenty of user education. Be transparent. Explain what is changing with the BYOD policy and how the MDM solution works. Most importantly, explain what data the company has access to on their device (corporate data) and what you don’t (personal data).

Get Upper Management to Buy-In

As with any new policy, having the support of the higher-ups is crucial. This is especially important with this sort of rule change, which affects employee property. Get your legal department involved as well. Aside from the aforementioned issue of controlling personal devices, there’s the liability aspect of allowing remote access to sensitive data. Company executives and legal can help build a policy that is airtight and covers the company’s interests.

When all is said and done, the BYOD policy you implement will have to reflect what you feel comfortable with as an employer, manager, and business owner. If you still have questions or want to make sure all your bases are covered, speak with an experienced IT consultant in San Diego who can ensure you’ve got the right measures in place in case of a data breach. To discuss your company’s specific business security needs, don’t hesitate to call Syndeo Communications at (760) 650-3300 and speak with an IT specialist.

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