How to Prevent Your Computers from Inflating Your Electricity Bill

If you are managing your own businesses in San Diego, you know how important it is to save money whenever possible. While you know your monthly fees include payroll, rent and bills for internet and electricity, have you ever thought about ways to save on these costs?

Today, Syndeo Communications is going to share a few tips for how you can save money on your electricity bill. As an IT support company in San Diego, we know that a business’ computers can lead to high electricity bills each month. That’s why we’re offering the following tips that can help reduce electricity bill costs, allowing you to put the savings back into your core business.

Remove Bloatware from Your New Systems

Any time you purchase a new computer it is important to rid bloatware, a slang term that is used to describe traditional software that is installed into the PC or laptop itself even before you have had a chance to do so yourself. Generally, bloatware requires considerable disc space and RAM to install and run, and can increase the amount of energy needed to keep the computer up and running, thus increasing electrical costs.

Close Programs and Software Not in Use

Always be sure to close programs and software that is open, but not in use when on your computer. Because programs require additional memory, this leads to utilizing more energy than necessary when you are working on your computer. Of course, you’ll also want to make sure that all devices are switched off when not in use, especially overnight.

Take Care of Your Server Unit

Workstations and monitors might use a significant amount of electricity if you have a number of employees, but in comparison to the server unit, this amount is very minimal. Your server unit consumes more electricity than a normal PC, and also needs to be cooled regularly in order to work at optimal levels. As a result, it’s important that the server is cooled using best maintenance practices, or else the costs of repair could lead to huge costs for your business.

Understanding how to prevent your computers from inflating your overall electricity bill is a way to naturally reduce your carbon footprint while also saving on annual business expenses. Taking the time to ensure you are operating computers at optimal performance at all times without bogging down memory and electricity is a way to get the most out of any time spent putting your electronics to use.

For more information about making the most of your technology, reach out to the professional IT consultants in San Diego at Syndeo Communications. We offer free consultations and are happy to answer any of your questions – call 760-650-3300.