Common Small Business Technology Myths

No matter what size business you own or manage, there are great tools available to help your organization streamline processes, build customer bases, and increase revenue. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths out there preventing small business owners from implementing business best practices.

Small Business Don’t Need Business Software

You may be tentative about investing in a good, reliable software for your business, mistakenly thinking that your business has to have x number of employees, or x amount of revenue before buying. Doing research on business software, you’ll find there are many excellent programs that are competitively priced to meet particular needs. Identify where your business falls short whether in accounting, project management, customer relationship management or a combination of all, and then look for the software solution for your individual needs or ask a professional IT consultant in San Diego for advice and assistance in finding software that’s the right fit.

Many small business owners assume that you have to be a “tech guru” to use software. Or that it requires a full IT staff and days of training. While this may have been true back in the day, thanks to the increase of mobile technology and the emergence of cloud computing, software is increasingly accessible for small to medium sized businesses, both in terms of usability and price.

Offsite Tech Management is Too Costly

There are several reliable and affordable offsite IT support companies in San Diego, like Syndeo Communications, who can be utilized on an as-needed basis, or who will monitor all of your tech needs for a monthly or annual fee. They can provide what is sometimes called Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which requires only an Internet connection and a monthly or annual subscription fee. They also offer cloud storage, which doesn’t require an upfront license purchase or an investment in on-site servers and equipment.

Cloud-Based Business Software is Not Secure

The most common reason keeping small businesses from using affordable SaaS is the fear that it’s not secure. Wherever you find data, you will always find privacy and security threats. However, when managed correctly, cloud storage can achieve the same levels of data protection that an on-site set up allows—in many cases—more. In fact, since it benefits vendors to invest in powerful security measures in order to gain their customers’ trust, SaaS security resources often exceed those of the typical small business.

If you’re still concerned about security, apply due diligence and verify security certifications and evaluations before selecting a vendor.

The Bottom Line

Finding the right technology for your business is complicated and it can be even more difficult with so much misinformation floating around. The selection process entails a bit of research and analysis but, ultimately, the solution you choose will depend on the problem you’re experiencing and the software features you need to solve it. Sorting out the most common business software misconceptions is a great place to start.

To learn how you can make the most of your technology, reach out to Syndeo Communications at (760) 650-3300 and request a complimentary consultation with one of our tech experts and take advantage of all your available resources!