Outdated Technology All Businesses Need to Replace

One of the best investments you can make as a business owner is to upgrade your technology. Although technology is changing each and every day, newer technology makes us more efficient and allows things to be done easier and quicker. Today, our San Diego IT support experts are going to share the outdated technologies that you should replace as soon as possible.

  1. Traditional Phone Systems – Traditional analog PBX based phone systems are a great start for many businesses, but as you grow, you can benefit highly from VoIP phone systems. VoIP phones are much cheaper to operate, and allow better flexibility, such as being able to move phones between offices freely without having to bring in the phone technician. VoIP systems can also be integrated with your smartphone so you can answer calls from your business extension when on vacation or a business trip. Some systems can even have voicemails delivered via email.
  2. Self Hosted Software – Does your company self-host and license applications such as Microsoft Office and accounting software? By running these programs in the cloud, you will no longer have to worry about keeping license agreements maintained or installing and updating software. Click here for more information about cloud storage and computing for local San Diego businesses.
  3. Manual Backups – Data loss is one of the biggest losses for businesses when it comes to IT. While you may be comfortable backing up company databases to a USB drive, if you forget to do the backup you could be in hot water if an emergency (such as a power outage, a damaged hard drive or unforeseen virus or attack). By having an IT support company perform regular and offsite backups, you can feel comfortable knowing you’ll always have a recent copy of your critical data available.

By updating your technology, you can protect your important data from loss, become more resilient against software attacks and can save money in the long-term.

For more information about specific technologies that your business should consider updating or replacing, reach out to Syndeo Communications today. Our experienced tech consultants provide on-site, over-the-phone and emergency IT support in San Diego and the surrounding areas, helping make sure that business run efficiently at all times. Call us at 760-650-3300 and schedule your free consultation today.