4 Emerging Security Threats & How to Fight Them

No business is completely safe when it comes to cybersecurity and criminals are getting more creative than ever when it comes to stealing or destroying a company’s information. While the landscape of digital security does continue to evolve, many of the biggest threats in the coming year are simply updated and upgraded tactics that have been used previously. Here is a look at four potential security risks and what can be done to prevent them.

  1. Ransomware Variants – Ransomware is complex software that takes control of a computer or network and denies the user access unless they pay a “ransom” to the creator of the virus. The two easiest methods to prevent ransomware from taking over your company’s network is to have a proper spam email filter in place and to keep the firewall updated and active at all times. Employees should also refrain from skimming through personal emails or social media sites on company computers as this is often a target for these criminals. Click here for more information about email security for your San Diego business.
  2. Digital Dumpster Diving – Many business owners do not think about just how much information they have on old smartphones, laptops, and PCs. When this hardware is sold or tossed in the recycling bin it creates the perfect opportunity for criminals to steal sensitive information. The best solution is to perform a complete system wipe or factory reset on every single device that is no longer being used by the company and its employees.
  3. Mobile Malware – As smartphones and tablets become more popular for business purposes, criminals will continue to look for ways to exploit these devices. Even an employee storing contact information or company passwords on their smartphone can be a liability. San Diego IT consultants recommend that all employees should have their mobile devices password protected, have a security program installed, clear out the caches regularly, and report any lost or stolen devices immediately.
  4. Updated Trojans – Various Trojans tend to fade in and out of popularity for criminals, but modern Trojans have gotten a recent makeover and are more effective ever. Cyber criminals now use software to “scrape” information and pictures from official websites and then use this to make very believable emails and links. These links are used as a gateway for malicious software. As a result, all employees should have training on how to properly deal with spam emails and how to identify some of the telltale signs that an email is not legitimate, even if it appears to be coming from within the company.

If you are looking for ways to protect your business from new security threats, reach out to Syndeo Communications in San Diego. We are a trusted San Diego IT support company that specializes in on-site, over-the-phone, remote desktop and emergency tech support. To see how our experienced consultants can assist you, schedule a complimentary consultation with us today at 760-650-3300.