Why Might a Business Need to Reset their Router

Routers are crucial to business networking. They allow the typical business to utilize a network of computers and devices with one connection rather than just one computer. The problem with routers is that they can become finicky. Your business may be forced to constantly reset your router to make it work properly, and even then it may malfunction after just a few hours.

What Causes a Router to Need Resetting?

There are several situations where your business may need to reset your router. Some problems can be solved by updating the firmware, while others may require that you replace the router entirely.

The most common reason that routers might need to be reset concerns the fact that it might be overheating. This can happen because the router is in a place where air circulation is poor or the internal fan of the router has malfunctioned. It may also happen simply because the router was poorly designed, though this tends to only be the case with businesses utilizing routers designed for home use.

Another reason you may need to reset your router concerns glitches in your router’s firmware. These may present themselves as dropped packets, lost data or connections that drop after the router has been online for but a short time.  Updating your router’s firmware may solve the problems forcing it to be reset.

The last reason your router might need to be repeatedly reset concerns changes in the settings that you or someone else might be making. The wrong settings can force connections to drop, poor wireless signal strength and dropped packets.

What If Your Router Problems Persist?

Resetting your router even once a week is a sign that you should consider repairing or replacing your router. An experienced San Diego IT support company can do just that while ensuring that your router is installed properly when the repair router or replacement arrives.

By taking the time to have your router installed correctly, you’ll help to ensure that your business comes across fewer networking problems in the future. You may even prevent the same problems that forced your router to act erratically from developing again.

For more technology tips and tricks or for help managing any of your current technologies, call 760-650-3300 and speak to the expert San Diego IT consultants at Syndeo Communications. We offer free consultations, so don’t hesitate to call us anytime.