Your Business Should Outsource Network Security: Here’s Why

At one time, only large companies could afford their own systems security. For small- and medium-sized businesses, the expertise and tools required to defend against cyber attacks was out of reach. But reality dictates that every business must open their websites and networks to the world wide web.

Increasingly, for smaller companies, outsourcing systems security to managed network security service providers costs less than staffing and equipping an in-house team.

Managed network security firms can provide experienced security professionals armed with state-of-the-art technologies at affordable prices because they divide their costs among several clients.

A company pays only for the services they require. This is advantageous to smaller companies because volume of work and, therefore, pricing can match a company’s changing size.

Typical services offered include:
– Anti-malware
– Network security
– Host security
– Email security
– Firewall management
– Database firewall management
– Vulnerability scanning
– Forensics

For a company with no IT security experience, the best way to start is to outsource IT security management. This will create the foundation for additional outsourcing through established and effective policies, procedures, and operations.

Network monitoring is especially effective to outsource because the service provider has not only operational expertise but the ability to access many data sources. They can collate and analyze that data to the advantage of each and every client.

Most business owners are overstretched. Trusted IT support San Diego business owners can count on allows for focus on the business instead of on security. And, in practice, a businesses enjoys better leverage over an outsourcing partner than with their own IT staff.

But negotiating and implementing a managed security agreement is not without risks. A business needs to be able to assure it can deliver services to internal and external users at the same time security services are enabled. A “trust, but verify” mindset will facilitate the most effective arrangement.

If you have questions about outsourcings your network security, Syndeo Communications can answer them. We’re a premier IT consulting company, providing everything from email security to server support in San Diego on-site and remotely. Call us at (760) 350-3300 and schedule a no-obligation consultation today.