Lifespan of Computers – What You Need to Know about Replacing Your Computers

When it comes to computers there seems to be a couple of schools of thought relating to when to replace them.


One school of thought is if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. While this approach maximizes the rate of return on the initial outlay, it exposes you to some additional risk because all computers fail and you don’t necessarily know when.  The risk you bear is that you will experience a failure when you aren’t expecting it and that will mean downtime and a potential loss of data.  Risk can be minimized by using a good, solid backup platform but you will still suffer some loss. This whole scenario is analogous to being stuck on the road with flat tire.  Even though you have a spare tire (your backup) you will still need time to change it and get back on the road.  Not to mention dirty, greasy hands! To learn more about our data disaster recovery plans, click here.


The other school of thought is around realizing that computers have a 36 to 45 month lifespan and even though they may not fail exactly in that time frame they will become obsolete due to faster and more modern computers.  However, you take the unknown out of the equation by giving yourself control over when you are replacing the computer versus running around at the last minute for a replacement.


Regardless of which school of thought you choose, it is a good idea to keep a spare computer around for the situation that yours does fail.   This becomes even more important if you have a small office of employees.  Without a spare computer, they will lose precious productivity in the job functions that they perform.


Syndeo specializes in helping clients manage small and large projects to replace computers and upgrade to newer hardware.  Our remote data backup solution and sophisticated IT tools allow us to move your entire computer desktop and files to another, completely different physical machine, while keeping everything intact.  Imagine getting a new computer without having to reinstall all your favorite programs!  Give us a call at 760.650.3300 and we can figure out a solution to fit your needs.