What is the Hybrid Cloud?

Have you heard of the term hybrid cloud? Are you interested in learning what exactly it is? First, it’s important to understand the two main types of cloud computing involved: public and private. The San Diego IT support specialists at Syndeo share what you need to know to get started.

Public Cloud

This type of cloud computing is likely the type that individuals think of most when the topic is brought up in conversation. A third-party interface is used for data storage, networking or computing services to a consumer. Because the platform is run by an outside or managed IT service provider, it is versatile in supporting different workloads but may not have functionality specific to a certain business.

Private Cloud

Alternatively, the private cloud is a platform developed and managed by a private party. It will have been designed to meet the needs of the unique industry the business is in, and because a third party is not involved, there is less risk of security issues in regards to sensitive data. However, due to the potential limitations of a company, there could be areas in which the platform may not be able to accommodate a high-volume work flow or other unpredictable situation.

Hybrid Cloud

Many San Diego businesses rely on hybrid cloud computing to marry the above two methods in order to create a highly functional and adaptable environment that can meet the changing needs of the business, especially in terms of scalability, security, manageability and efficiency. This way, the private party can take advantage of both the tailored services designed in-house as well as the extra resources a third party can bring to the table. Typically, in order to be considered a hybrid environment rather than simply utilizing both public and private clouds separately, an integration system is developed for the management and allocation of data and services to designate what functionality gets deployed and where.

Business Usage

Because of its flexibility, the hybrid cloud can offer a lot of benefits to both small and medium-sized businesses. Having the third-party software to fall back on is useful because there’s less of a chance of overtaxing the private resources, allowing for workload sharing when there is a spike of traffic, data, productivity or output. In addition, retaining the private cloud for sensitive data keeps unwanted exposure to a minimum while still being able to tap into additional services from that third party.

Interested in learning more about the hybrid cloud? Reach out to Syndeo Communications at 760-650-3300 and schedule a free consultation and audit with one of our experienced IT consultants. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions!