Does my Business Need Email Encryption?

Far too often, small business skimp on certain IT essentials such as encryption processes and rules for outgoing and incoming emails. This can be due to lack of budget, personnel, employee training, etc. Today, our San Diego email security experts are going to share some information about email encryption and why businesses of all size should consider it.

What is Email Encryption?

Email encryption is something that keeps unwanted entities from reading the intended recipient(s)’ email message(s). These emails can be sensitive in their nature of data, and they need to be protected. Using various means, unencrypted emails can be intercepted by people with some malicious intent, taking phone numbers, addresses, credit card data, or company information and using it towards their personal gain.

How to Protect Your Data

In order to combat these intruders, any business should be protective of their emails. The best way to do this is to encrypt emails with some method of hardware and/or software. Hardware encryption is often used in regards to mobile devices, with both Apple and Android having their own set of rules for encryption. Whatever the differences are in mobile device encryption, an employee should be:

  • Trained in and aware of the company’s security policies
  • Know what kind of data is being sent and received (for security purposes)
  • Aware of what data should never be sent via smartphone or email (certain attachments)

Software methods of encryption on the other hand, can be as simple as adding an “S” to the “HTTP” at the beginning of an address if you are using a web-based client such as Gmail. Professional IT consultants in San Diego can also be a great resource for how to implement better encryption practices to safeguard important pieces of information and data.

For more information about email encryption and how to implement better security practices, reach out to Syndeo Communications. We are a trusted, local provider of IT support in San Diego and can provide on-site, remote and emergency assistance as well as consulting services to help manage costs. Call us at 760-650-3300 for a free consultation.